In a competitive world filled with millions of job seekers, a standout résumé is one that can immediately and positively attract the attention of potential employers. To impress your future boss and land your dream job, here are some helpful hints for preparing a killer résumé.
Customise your résumé
Employers want people with the right skills, expertise and experience for their organisations. Highlight your qualifications and attract their attention by adding keywords from their job ads into your résumé. This will help search engines to better notice your application.
Highlight your successes
Emphasise your accomplishments when describing your previous employment. For example, describe how your problem-solving skills made a difference at your previous positions. You can create a separate category to showcase your awards, certificates and other forms of recognition.
Don’t curb your enthusiasm
Show an eagerness to demonstrate your ability to learn new skills and upgrade your knowledge. Prove that you are a team player by sharing evidence of roles you have had in specific groups, projects, publications or presentations. Include training programmes and courses you have attended.
Advertise yourself
Think of your résumé as an advertisement – this is your chance to sell yourself to your potential employer. Put your most important selling points in bold fonts and at the top of your résumé. Make your work experience look attractive to readers.
Lead by example
Leadership and teamwork are highly valued in any organisation. Demonstrate your leadership capabilities by creating a section to highlight projects, sales achievements and profits earned from your previous jobs. Try to describe your achievements in numbers like, “Implemented fiscal plan which reduced expenditure by 10%”. Use examples to show how each task allowed you to enhance your leadership skills.
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