Education / Professional Qualification
- PhD Ed. TESOL (Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
University of Tasmania, Australia. - M.Ed. TTELT (Teacher Trainer for English Language Teachers)
University of Exeter, England - B.Ed. TESL (Teaching of English as a Second Language)
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. - TESL (Teaching of English as a Second Language) Matriculation
Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Malaysia.
Teaching Areas at OUM
Research Methodology
Language Skills
English Literature
Applied Linguistics
Interest, Expertise & Current Research
English Literature
Applied Linguistics
Teacher Education
Oral Corrective Feedback
Publication & Other Links
- Islam, D., Hoque, M. S., Othman, W., Thurairaj, S., Al Murshidi, D., & Ravindran, L. (2023). Schoolteachers in Out-of-School Hours Education: Blurring Professional Ideology in Recent Times. The Qualitative Report, 28(11), 3132-3148.
- Yasmin, T., Islam, M.M., Hoque, M.S., Othman, W. M., Reza, M. & Murshidi, D. A. (2024). Speaking Anxiety of Tertiary-Level Learners of English in Bangladesh: an Investigation into the Predicaments and Prospects. English Teaching & Learning, 0165-0
- Ja’afar, H., Othman, W.M., Kesevan, H.V., & M.S, B. (2021). Enhancing Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) through Computer Assisted Repeated Reading (CARR). Asian Journal of University Education, 17(1), 207.
- Mohsen, Hamoud Yahya Ahmed, Raihanah M. M. and Wan Mazlini Othman. (2023). Engaging Malaysia: Greening Postcolonial Memories in The Garden of Evening Mists. Alicante Journal of English Studies, 39, 129-144.
- Lam, C. K., Mohsen, H. Y. A. & Othman, W. M. (2023). The early reception of Tash Awa narrative in Malaysia: An ecocritical interpretation of harmony within dissonance in the Harmony Silk Factory. World Journal of English Language, Sciedu Press, 13(6), 1-56.
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