YBhg Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, renowned social activist and OUM’s former Chairman of the Board of Governors, was conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Education at the 28th Convocation. The honorary doctorate, which was Lee’s seventh, was conferred on him at the first session.

In his acceptance speech, Lee paid tribute to OUM for pioneering open and distance learning 24 years ago. He said it allowed people to balance work and tertiary education seamlessly, and pursue their academic goals without sacrificing professional aspirations.

Reflecting on his award, he said it was meaningful because it highlights how learning goes beyond grades and scores, and on a broader scale, is based on lifelong achievements. 

“After completing my secondary school education, while many of my peers pursued university degrees, I chose a different path – the school of hard knocks. I am delighted that my contributions as an activist have led to this recognition.

“My advice to all graduates here is to embrace the core values of excellence, discipline, integrity, mutual respect, confidence, openness in communication and humility, and put them into practice now and in the future, irrespective of what profession you are in,” he said, adding that education is more than degrees, as it’s also a journey of learning, growing and giving.

Lee said he hoped his honorary doctorate would inspire others to contribute to society. “Together we can create a brighter future through service, compassion and commitment to excellence”.

Lee, from Ipoh, is a former Selangor assemblyman and member of Parliament. After retiring from politics in 1990, he became an activist and advocate for social welfare, public health, and safety.

Over the years, he has received several other notable awards including the Outstanding Young Malaysian Award, Rotary Paul Harris Fellowship Award, Lion International Melvin Jones Fellowship, Occupational Safety and Health Excellence Award, National Unity Award, and the Tokoh Maulidur Rasul Award.

Lee’s other honorary doctorates from public and private universities were for his various contributions to national unity, safety and health, environmental, social, and governance, and community welfare.

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