Malaysia’s education sector has been facing a severe teacher shortage crisis, with the Deputy Education Minister, Lim Hui Ying, recently reporting a shortage of 4.49% or 19,431 teachers due to various reasons such as mandatory retirement, voluntary retirement, promotion, study leave, unpaid leave, resignation, and death. The National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) found that the shortage was due to the addition of new schools, an increase in pupils and classes, early and compulsory retirements, and health factors.

In addressing this issue, OUM’s Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (PGDT) has seen a sharp rise in enrolment in recent intakes. The one-year professional teaching qualification programme is fully accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and offers a quick fix to the teacher shortage crisis.

According to the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education who is also PGDT Programme Director, Assoc Prof Dr Rosinah Mahmood, the programme meets the needs of individuals who possess tertiary qualifications and are interested in becoming a teacher but do not hold any nationally recognised teaching qualification.

“With PGDT and other specific requirements, they may be registered as teachers and granted a teaching permit upon application. In short, PGDT enables aspiring teachers to attain qualified teacher status,” she said.

The programme is delivered through online learning, with online tutorials, assignments, and examinations. Learners have access to various kinds of learning materials and resources through OUM’s online learning management system, known as myINSPIRE. They are also assigned a dedicated e-tutor to guide and provide them with consultation services in areas related to their courses.

The courses under PGDT include Curriculum Development, Theories and Practices of Teaching and Learning, Guidance and Counselling, Educational Management, Educational Assessment, Instructional Technologies, and Emerging Technologies for Teaching and Learning. Overall, learners will complete 30 credit hours within a year.

Towards the end of their studies, they will undergo a supervised practicum or teaching practice in selected schools or institutions of learning. The practicum emphasises application of theories in actual teaching and learning environments to equip learners with practical teaching and classroom management skills.

With a bachelor’s degree and a minimum CGPA of 2.50, or a minimum of 5 years’ working experience in a relevant field, anyone can enrol in the PGDT programme. Said Dr Rosinah, “All these courses have been specially prepared to ensure that aspiring teachers will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills that meet the learning demands of 21st century education.”

Join the revolution in education and become a qualified teacher with PGDT.

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Menara OUM,
Block C, Kompleks Kelana Centre Point,
Jalan SS7/19, Kelana Jaya,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

+603-7801 1800 (General Line)
+603-7801 2000 (Speed Line)
+6012-303 9935 / +6019-357 9074
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