President/VC’s Office

As OUM’s President/Vice-Chancellor, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Malaysia’s premier open university.
At OUM, we recognise the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Our aim as an educational institution is to be the university of choice for anyone who wants to overcome those challenges by learning new things, gaining new knowledge, and honing new skills.
To achieve that, we combine in-demand academic disciplines with sound teaching and learning practices, an emphasis on quality assurance and accreditation, and various digital innovations to foster an online learning ecosystem that makes it convenient for anyone to study, no matter the lifestyle you lead, where you come from, what you do, or when it suits you.
Studying at OUM is much more than just online classes and exams.
Our strong physical presence in all major locations throughout Malaysia means that you can easily reach us, wherever you may be. Our dedication to learning material development will ensure your studies will be interesting, engaging, and worthwhile. And, our commitment to democratisation means our truly diverse learning community will lend a wealth of expertise that will give you a wonderful and memorable study experience.
So, give yourself the chance to upgrade your qualifications and careers, and be a part of our 103,000-strong alumni. Because choosing to study with us is akin to taking your first steps towards a better life and a brighter future. At OUM, we are excited to help get you started on your journey.
Prof Dr Ahmad Izanee Awang
- Centre for Quality Assurance
- Centre for Corporate Communication
- Finance & Procurement
- Strategic Planning
- Legal & Company Secretarial
- Human Resources & Administration Services
- Health, Safety & Environment