Master of Psychology


The Master of Psychology (MPSY) programme is offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH) as another postgraduate programme in OUM. It is specially designed to expand your knowledge, sharpen your critical thinking skills and teach you how to evaluate problems and find solutions. They cover all key professional competencies and provide you with critical communication skills you need to be successful. You will also have the opportunity to develop valuable research skills.

At OUM, you can tailor your education to help you meet your professional goals and interests with two selection of degrees and specializations offered: 1) Industrial/Organisational Psychology, and 2) Educational Psychology. This challenging yet rewarding master’s degree allows individuals to register with the Malaysian Psychological Association (PERSIMA), Malaysian Counselling Association (PERKAMA International), American Psychological Association (APA), and several international psychological associations.

The objectives of the MPSY programme are:

  1. To develop a professional orientation and identity as a psychologist by applying sound ethical and legally practice in the field of psychology.
  2. To develop effective communication skills and problem solving in their everyday life.
  3. To develop graduate with critical thinking and using scientific approach in the areas of psychology.
  4. To develop an empirically based approach to psychology that emphasize wellness and prevention by integrating theory and best practices.

The Master of Psychology programme is offered in 6 semesters with a total of 41 credits, consisting of 6 core courses with 2 sets of specialisations courses (I/O Psychology and Educational Psychology).

Each specialisation consists of 6 courses including a master project. The course assessment consists of assignment, final exam and a final submission of a master project paper.

List of courses offered are listed as below :

Name and Course CodeCredit Hours
Core CourseCode 
Applied StatisticsAMPN51033
Multicultural PsychologyAMPM51033
Ethical, Legal and Professional IssuesAMPL51033
Research Methodology in PsychologyAMPR51033
Academic WritingAMPQ52033
Specialisation 1: Industrial and Organisation 
Organisational PsychologyAMPO51033
Training & DevelopmentAMPD52033
Group DynamicsAMPG51033
Organisational Development & ChangeAMPO52033
Occupational Safety & HealthAMPK52033
Master ProjectAMPR52038
Specialisation 2: Educational Psychology 
Advanced Educational PsychologyAMPY51033
Measurement & Evaluation in EducationAMPE51033
Human Development Across Life SpanAMPY52033
Theories and Practices of Teaching and LearningAMPE52033
Psychology of Thinking SkillsAMPY53033
Master ProjectAMPP52088
Total (Core & Specialisation)41

Malaysian Learner Fees

Year 1RM3,012 (Sem 1)RM4,518 (Sem 2)RM4,518 (Sem 3)
Year 2RM4,518 (Sem 4)RM2,008 (Sem 5)RM2,008 (Sem 6)

Discount for the Physically Challenged Learners (OKU) and Senior Citizens

* Fees applicable to Malaysians and Permanent Residents only.
* The University reserves the right to revise the fees without prior notice.

The University offers 50% discount for:
1. Senior citizens aged 60 and above on registration date; and
2. Physically challenged learners – a valid Orang Kelainan Upaya (OKU) is required.
The discounts are not valid for second time registration and repeating of subjects.
Learners who receive this discount are not entitled to other discounts and promotions.

Processing fee: RM50
Re-registration fee of RM220 per semester is chargeable for extension of the Research Thesis/Dissertation 

Financial options:Payment Mode:
EPF (Account 2); orJomPAY
Education or Personal Loan from commercial banks; orInternet Banking
HRDF (subject to employer’s eligibility); orDebit/Credit Card.

International Learner Fees

Year 1RM3,612 (Sem 1)RM5,418 (Sem 2)RM5,418 (Sem 3)
Year 2RM5,418 (Sem 4)RM2,408 (Sem 5)RM2,408 (Sem 6)

1 – Fees applicable to International applicants
2 – The fee above excludes registration fee, processing fee and resource fee. Fee imposed first semester only-non refundable (Diploma RM3,150, Bachelor RM3,650, Master RM4,150, PhD/Doctorate RM4,650).
3 – Financial method: Telegraphic Transfer , PayPal (Invoice will be prepared in MYR and will be added 6% to cover PayPal transaction fees.)
4 – The fees are for subject fees only and are not applicable for research, registration, repeating of subjects and other fees.
5 – 60% payment of the semester fees must be made before the semester starts, 40% payment before the examination week.

* The University reserves the right to revise the fees without prior notice.

**LATEST UPDATE: 30 August 2022

This programme aims to produce graduates that are:


To produce graduates who are able to demonstrate mastery of knowledge of psychology through the conduct of psychology research. (Cognitive)


To produce graduates who are able to apply practical skills in psychology and to work collaboratively and cooperatively with peers and society though effective communication skills. (Psychomotor)


To produce graduates who are able to demonstrate leadership, autonomy, and responsibilities at work and at conducting research including in the use of a wide range of technologies and software. (Affective)


To produce graduates who are able to manage information for lifelong learning with the adherence to legal, ethical and professional codes of practice. (Affective)

Upon completion of all courses in this programme, the graduates should be able to:

1Demonstrate originality and independence in undertaking analytical and critical evaluation and synthesis of complex information in the field of psychology as a basis for research. (Knowledge and Understanding)
2Adapt exemplifies capacity to conduct standard and specialised research methods/approaches which are informed by psychological knowledge as its forefront with the integration of the latest development in the psychology discipline. (Cognitive skill)
3Show capabilities to generate, design, implement and adopt the integral part of research processes in specialised areas in psychology in a scientific manner. (Practical Skill)
4Adjust suitable interpersonal skills to be able to work collaboratively and cooperatively with peers. (Interpersonal Skill)
5Communicate and convey information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively to the general public and professional community. (Communication)
6Demonstrate competent use of wide range of suitable digital technologies and appropriate software to enhance study and research in psychology. (Digital Skill)
7Adapt the appropriate applications and systems to measure and interpret numerical data from psychological research. (Numeracy Skill)
8Demonstrate significant, autonomy, independence leadership responsibilities through communicating and working effectively with peers and stakeholders. (Leadership)


Apply psychological principles by explaining and suggesting solutions to personal, organisational and social issues including self-understanding and socio-cultural and international diversity. (Personal Skill)


Initiate and/or lead entrepreneurial ventures or projects in psychology. (Entrepreneurial)


Demonstrate confidence to give ethical advice and make decisions even in situations with limited information by considering ethics outlined by profession. (Ethical and Professionalism)

This programme applicable for Credit Award (APEL.C). More Info:

Interesting and diverse career paths await for graduates with a Master of Psychology degree. And here are some of examples of career opportunities within each field:

Career Field Career Opportunities
Clinical Psychology 1. Clinical Psychologist
2. Psychotherapist
3. Counseling Psychologist
4. Substance Abuse Counselor
5. Marriage and Family Therapist
Counseling Psychology 1. School Counselor
2. Career Counselor
3. Rehabilitation Counselor
4. Mental Health Counselor
5. College Counselor
Industrial-Organizational Psychology 1. Human Resources Manager
2. Organizational Development Specialist
3. Training and Development Manager
4. Talent Acquisition Specialist
5. Management Consultant
Forensic Psychology 1. Forensic Psychologist
2. Criminal Profiler
3. Correctional Counselor
4. Victim Advocate
5. Juvenile Case Manager
Educational Psychology 1. School Psychologist
2. Educational Consultant
3. Special Education Advocate
4. Curriculum Developer
5. Researcher in Education
Health Psychology 1. Health Psychologist
2. Wellness Coach
3. Medical Psychologist
4. Health Behavior Specialist
5. Public Health Analyst
Sports Psychology 1. Sports Psychologist
2. Performance Coach
3. Sports Consultant
4. Exercise Psychologist
5. Athlete Mental Health Specialist
Neuropsychology 1. Neuropsychologist
2. Clinical Neuropsychologist
3. Research Scientist
4. Rehabilitation Specialist
5. Brain Injury Specialist
Forensic Neuropsychology 1. Forensic Neuropsychologist
2. Expert Witness
3. Forensic Consultant
4. Court-Appointed Evaluator
5. Forensic Neuropsychological Researcher
These are just a few examples, and the field of psychology offers a wide range of career opportunities in various sub-specialties. The specific roles and job prospects can vary based on factors such as location, experience, and additional certifications or licensure.
Syed Hussein Syed Abdul Rahman
Syed Hussein Syed Abdul RahmanJohor Bahru

The struggle to balance study and work gave me better insight into productivity and efficiency. I was able to apply the lessons learned to my occupation. My study at OUM was my progress in development. The encouragement and guidance from OUM gave me the platform and confidence to succeed in my studies. Today, my degree has given me generous employment recognition, added edge in promotion, and salary advances.

Syed Hussein Syed Abdul Rahman
Syed Hussein Syed Abdul RahmanJohor Bahru

The struggle to balance study and work gave me better insight into productivity and efficiency. I was able to apply the lessons learned to my occupation. My study at OUM was my progress in development. The encouragement and guidance from OUM gave me the platform and confidence to succeed in my studies. Today, my degree has given me generous employment recognition, added edge in promotion, and salary advances.

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