Recently, we embarked on an uplifting “Save Our Earth” mission: to plant 100 trees along the coast of the Sungai Gum-Gum Forest Reserve and Sungai Loboh.

This is our second initiative to contribute to the Greening Malaysia Campaign, which seeks to have 100 million trees planted by 31 December 2025. Last May, we had planted 100 forest and fruit trees in Tawau’s Tajong Forest Reserve.

The mission on 20 July kicked off at Kampung Sungai Daling Luboh, a serene village in Sandakan, where a vibrant quartet of young dancers and roughly 200 villagers awaited us.

After a warm reception, we set off on a 10-minute journey to the reforestation site. Besides the Sabah Forest Department, our diverse group comprised 100 of our staff, students, alumni, and tutors, alongside the local community.

Hearts brimming with excitement, we planted 100 native saplings – Bakau Bangkita and Bakau Minyak. The initiative went beyond tree planting, as we also provided essential food supplies to 15 families in need.

“Planting these mangrove trees will significantly benefit the environment by protecting the coastline and fostering the vital mangrove ecosystem,” said Prof Dr. Ahmad Izanee Awang, our President/Vice-Chancellor. “We deeply appreciate the Sabah Forestry Department’s contribution of the saplings, which were instrumental to the programme’s success.”

Besides environmental sustainability, our CSR initiatives also include educational and community programmes throughout Malaysia.

A special shout-out to Sabah for already exceeding expectations by planting over 9.7 million trees – the second-highest in the nation! Witnessing the community’s enthusiastic participation in this project was also inspiring.

Our mission doesn’t end here. We have set an ambitious goal of planting 2,500 trees by next year, to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Wish us luck!

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Block C, Kompleks Kelana Centre Point,
Jalan SS7/19, Kelana Jaya,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

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