The first was a 3-day Strategic Leadership, Risk & Crisis Management programme for the board of directors of a company located in the island republic of Maldives. Aasandha Company Ltd’s Chairman of the Board, Niyaz Mohamed, attended the programme from 6 to 8 June with the company’s deputy managing director and three directors.
“The facilitator was incredibly knowledgeable and provided numerous case studies and exercises that reinforced key theories. Discussions were lively, spirited and conducted in an open and inclusive environment. We can’t wait to apply what we’ve learned back at work”, said Niyaz.
Then on 14 June, IPU and CELL welcomed 14 delegates from the Gyeongnam Institute for Lifelong Education in South Korea. They explored OUM’s teaching and learning delivery, discussed possible collaborations, and also toured the facilities.
The following day, IPU and CELL played host to 28 students from the University of Economics and Finance in Vietnam. The students, accompanied by a university officer, visited Menara OUM as part of their International Camp 2023 programme.
Besides getting to know our university, they also took part in a dynamic study skills workshop and listened to one of our MBA learners share his incredible journey studying at OUM. It was an inspiring moment, showing them sunny possibilities for the future.
In the spirit of sharing for the common good, OUM regularly hosts visits from local and international institutions wishing to learn about our online learning approach and learning management systems.