Our Professional Certificate in Islamic Studies has been officially unveiled by YB Senator Dr Zulkifli Hasan, the Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, at Menara OUM on 19 September.
Quoting Jim Wallis’ book Rediscovering Values: On Wall Street, Main Street, and Your Street, Dr Zulkifli said that people tend to seek religious guidance during times of crisis. Given the current realities in the country, he noted that this is the right time to promote programmes like the Professional Certificate in Islamic Studies, which can help those searching for guidance through religious values.
Crafted by OUM’s Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, the certificate is a dynamic two-month programme featuring 10 core modules that explore key topics such as Aqidah (Islamic beliefs), Da’wah (Islamic propagation), Sirah (Prophet Muhammad’s life), Tasawwur & Akhlak (Islamic worldview and ethics), Ulum Al-Quran (Quranic sciences), Ulum Al-Hadith (Hadith sciences), Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Usul Al-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic jurisprudence), Tajwid (Quran recitation), and the Arabic Language.
“This is our effort to address the gap in Islamic studies, as there are individuals without a background in the field who wish to pursue university-level studies and want Islamic studies that are recognised and of high quality. It’s called a professional certificate as anyone over the age of 18 can apply,” said the Faculty Dean, Dr Hamidah Mat.
The programme’s hybrid approach offers a mix of online tutorials, comprehensive modules, interactive exercises, and an online final exam in the eighth week. The first intake kicks off in November 2024, with subsequent intakes scheduled for February and July 2025.
Brought to you by OUM’s Centre of Excellence for Lifelong Education (CELLplus), this certificate is open to individuals from all backgrounds and professions. For more information and to register, visit https://cellplus.oum.edu.my/ or email cell@oum.edu.my.