We live in a virtual world where the Internet plays a huge part in our lives. However, no matter how anonymous we may seem online, there’s a certain “netiquette” we must follow. These are the basic rules of the Internet for all netizens.

The golden rule.

Remember this: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Respect the law both on- and off-line, so don’t do anything virtually that you won’t do in real life. Anonymity on the Internet is not a licence for you to be offensive.

Watch your words.

Your words, photos and videos can be saved and stored somewhere you have no idea and no control of. Don’t underestimate the digital traces you leave behind as they may backfire. Follow the five-minute rule: wait for five minutes before posting anything online. This can save you from possible problems as you may change your mind about things you want to post. Use appropriate language and tone when typing comments online.

Privacy matters.

The Internet is a place where personal information can be easily traced, gathered and stolen. Cybercriminals know how to get a hold of your details. So don’t make yourself an easy target by sharing your address, phone number, banking details or any other confidential information.

Other people’s privacy matters too, so don’t share someone else’s information, photos or videos without their permission. In a professional setting, all official correspondence should be communicated during working hours unless something needs urgent attention. The same rule applies when communicating with friends. It’s rude to wake somebody up in the wee hours for some silly text or joke.

Don’t be a bully.

Always consider other people’s feelings and opinions. You may want to comment on other people’s posts but be mindful of how they may feel before you hit the “send” button. Also, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions. Just because you disagree does not mean you can be harsh. Remember that behind every account is a real person, so don’t be a cyberbully.

Stop spamming!

Spamming is when you send others unwanted messages, sometimes repeatedly. It is bad netiquette to send unsolicited bulk messages to any company or individual. It will annoy the recipients and you might be banned from sending messages in the social media platform that you are using.


It’s generally considered rude to type in all uppercase letters. It might make it seem as though you are shouting at others. Lowercase letters are always easier to read compared to capital letters. If you really need to emphasise your message, use words in bold instead.

Fact checking is important.

The Internet has plenty of facts and information we can rely on, but it’s also a place where lies can spread easily. Don’t be too quick to share the things you read unless you can validate them. Take some time to think and verify the source before clicking “share”.

By Izyan Diyana Merzuki

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